Create a compelling plan in 3 simple steps

Financial projections communicate your company’s story in numbers. And the exercise of developing your plan itself helps you better understand your business – and what drives and challenges it. But you want to spend your time building your business and not a financial model.

Create investor-ready income statement, cash flows and capital requirements, and estimate of when you reach profitability easily. If you prefer, we can help build your model – just ask us.

Describe your business

Use intuitive and easy to understand forms to describe your business. Alternatively, you can import one of the templates we provide or a list of accounts from your accounting software.

Think of this step as similar to adding rows to a spreadsheet model (but you don’t have to add the rows because our software will do that for you!). Add, delete, edit rows anytime as needed.

  • Products, services, and business model
  • Your headcount requirements
  • Costs you incur for every sale - such as materials, credit card fees, hosting expenses
  • Operating expenses you must plan for – such as salaries & benefits, rent, marketing, travel
  • Capital expenditures you anticipate – such as computers and equipment you need
  • Other aspects of your business – capital raising plan, interest expense, or other expenses.

TIP: Building a model in Seqnc is modular; use the parts that apply, in any order, and exclude those that don’t

Input assumptions in a spreadsheet

Seqnc automatically generates a spreadsheet with rows exactly as per your business description. (Yes, a fully functional spreadsheet!) Provide assumptions in the input spreadsheet online or you have the option to download, work on it offline, and upload back.

Input rows are easy to understand and match your business description.

  • Forecast of unit sales and pricing, or revenues directly, to show how the company’s revenues will grow
  • Plan hiring needs and expected salaries and benefits amounts
  • Estimate direct costs (COGS), and operating expenses, and other expenses as applicable

Add your own sheets to the input spreadsheet, optionally. Write spreadsheet formulas to express revenues, expenses, or other inputs as driver-based assumptions. You have unmatched flexibility with a spreadsheet and so we made it core to our product.

TIP: Adding your own sheet makes it easy to import any existing work into your Seqnc model

View, download, share your projections

Our software automates all calculations to generate comprehensive reports – without requiring you to write a single formula. The technology behind this is our tested, powerful, and proprietary finance engine that adapts to your business and ensures accuracy. This is the easiest part for our users!

You’ll find a report to suit many applications: capital raising, budgeting, performance tracking, operations management, loan application, and others.

•  P&L, balance sheet, cash flow
•  Budget
•  Capital requirements, sources & uses
•  Recurring and non-recurring revenues report
•  SaaS metrics: MRR, LTV, CAC
•  Forecast summary
•  Scenario comparison
•  Forecast to Actual
•  Rolling forecast

All our reports are generated as spreadsheets and downloadable as an Excel file. And download any of the charts we provide as a high res image. View, include in presentations, and share our reports and charts easily.

TIP: Reports include both financial and operating metrics projections so you can track comprehensively